Certificazione Unica
If you are a pensioner or an employee and you don’t submit a tax declaration, you can in any case allocate the otto per mille to the Italian Hindu Union.
Here’s how to do it:
If you have received the CERTIFICAZIONE UNICA – CU, you can fill it in as indicated, and bring it to a post office. If you have not received the CERTIFICAZIONE UNICA – CU, you can use the downloadable form here.
Fill in the form with your personal data and your codice fiscale.
Sign in the box “Unione Induista Italiana” but be careful to keep your signature inside the box.
Write your codice fiscale on the second page.
Put your signature at the bottom of the form, in the box “riservato ai contribuenti esonerati”.
Put the form with the choice you made in an envelope, close it and write your surname, name, codice fiscale on the envelope, and the wording “SCHEDA PER LE SCELTE DELLA DESTINAZIONE DELL’OTTO, DEL CINQUE E DEL DUE PER MILLE DELL’IRPEF” written in full without abbreviations. Bring it free of cost to any post office by 30th November.
Keep the receipt that will be issued to you.